Resources for Schools

Danielle wrote this book specifically for adolescents. From her years of teaching mindfulness to this age group in a school setting, Danielle created a book that can be read individually or can be used as curriculum in schools.

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Work with Danielle

Need assistance integrating this into your curriculum? Ask Danielle!

Teacher Training

Can you teach mindfulness to others if you have not attempted it yourself? Danielle says no! She is happy to guide teachers and staff in understanding the topic of mindfulness in their own lives. 


Having trouble figuring out how to incorporate mindfulness into your classroom or school culture? Let Danielle guide both schools and teachers on the logistics of how to incorporate these skills into a classroom setting in a realistic manner.


Teaching mindfulness to adolescents is not always rainbows and butterflies! Danielle can troubleshoot issues in a manner that will allow students, teachers, and administrators feeling empowered and comfortable.

Danielle's Qualifications

Danielle's Educational Philosophy


Independence is the cornerstone of a successful classroom. This creates confidence and develops self-worth. 

Danielle instills independence in her classes by utilizing freedom within limits. Students have choice in what they do and are encouraged to speak up respectfully when they do not agree with any aspect of the classroom. By implimenting this, Danielle is able to stand back and watch the magic happen.


The most important aspect of any meaningful class is that students feel their worth. They must feel and know that they are capable, useful and have an important place in the world. 

Danielle encourages this almost intangible characteristic by engaging students in deep questions. Real questions. Questions that have implications in their own lives. She also provides opportunities for students to model responsible, capable behavior in every class.


Danielle's favorite educational quotation is by Maria Montessori:

"One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child."

She works towards happiness with students by listening to their stories, honoring their opinions, and working to make any classroom she is in a safe emotional space where students can be themselves. It is from this space that happiness unfolds.

Danielle Parker

Insta & FB: @dwellwithdanielle